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So society decides that everything is positive for some random reason and that all of these things people do are empowering. But then society does the same thing when an old person goes on America's got talent to do an "Old timey cabaret type dance" for fun. How do you get to that age and still feel so unhappy with your own body? We live in a time when people who do these things are heralded a being strong for doing these ridiculous things to feel beautiful. I get why someone would want to have these done, but in reality it's just someone that is still insecure as an older adult.

No amount of makeup is going to make their skin that tight. The only thing that's even close to the original picture is the general shape of these women.

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It's a ton of photo shop and picture editing. Upvotes Follow Unfollow 5 years ago Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 “The reactions have been everything from bursting into tears of delight, thank you cards and gifts, and many heart warming accounts of how the shoot has boosted their self esteem and confidence,” she says. While Chrissy acknowledges that many of her clients arrive very nervous and with body hangups, she says that the results of the photoshoots often do wonders for self-esteem. “Most mature clients want to look well for their age and are not interested in chasing after their youth.” I have a knack at assessing a client’s face, skin and posture to look past signs of ageing and capture images that bring out the best in a woman.” “The reasons they want a shoot are varied – it could be something just to make them feel sexy. “I also reduce lines & wrinkles, smooth the silhouette and enhance muscle tone.” “I remove cellulite, muffin tops, scars, bruises, spots and uneven skin tone. “After the photoshoot I work on the photographs in post-production,” she says. It is, however, the older ladies that have the most startling transformations. “Through my work, I celebrate women of all shapes and sizes and believe that with the right posing, lighting and styling, I can bring out the best in a woman’s beauty.”įrom her Birmingham studio Dollhouse Photography, which has over $250,000 worth of lingerie, corsets, dresses, costumes and other accessories, Chrissy and her team shoot women of all ages.

“I want everyday women to have access to a full photoshoot experience and magazine cover style images that models usually do,” Chrissy told the Mirror.

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