#Clara doctor who series
She is known for her roles as Jasmine Thomas in the soap opera Emmerdale, Clara Oswald in the science-fiction series Doctor Who, Queen Victoria in the period drama Victoria, Joanna Lindsay in the crime miniseries The Cry, and Marie-Andre Leclerc in the crime miniseries The Serpent. During her time on the show, Clara became increasingly more reckless and carefree, and the Doctor would even end up breaking many of his rules to save her. Jenna-Louise Coleman (born 27 April 1986) is an English actress. The show examined what would happen if the companion tried to act like the Doctor, with dangerous results. However, things got more interesting during Peter Capaldi's era. Initially introduced during Matt Smith's era, Clara started out as more of a mystery to be solved than a character in her own right. From classic companions like Jo, Sarah Jane and Ace, to the modern companions like Martha, Donna and Bill, the companion is just as important to the continued success of the show as the Doctor is.ĭuring it's nearly 60-year run, Doctor Who has dived into examining the relationship between companion and Doctor in some very interesting ways, such as with Clara Oswald. So that’s proof that she’s an unwitting participant in whatever’s going on with her.While the Doctor is obviously one of the most important aspects of any given era of Doctor Who, the importance of the companion should never be overlooked.

Unless he has, and we just haven’t seen him do it. Why hasn’t he checked out Past and Future Clara in the same way? He does have a time machine. He’s run her by a proven psychic (in “Hide”). He’s spied on her parents’ courtship (in “Akhaten”).

Present Clara contacts the Doctor across time using a phone number given to her by “the woman in the shop.” Who is the woman in the shop? Why does she want Present Clara to meet the Doctor? And why does Present Clara need a nudge to meet the Doctor, when he bumped into the other two by chance? (Unless, as we’ll explore below, it wasn’t by chance.).The TARDIS has some sort of grudge against Clara (see “Akhaten” and “Hide”).
#Clara doctor who full
Described by River Song as 'copies' of the original Clara, these splinters met the Doctor in many forms (every form was a person with time sensitivity)source needed, living full lives in the process. What’s going on here? It certainly suggests a facility for deviousness that may mean she’s hiding things from the Doctor. Several splinters from Clara Oswald were created when she stepped into the Doctors time stream. The plot of “The Snowmen” doesn’t require her to be a barmaid at all. Past Clara keeps her double life as a governess and a barmaid a secret from everyone involved in each.Present Clara is bizarrely Internet illiterate for a twentysomething in 2013. Clara prefers to have a plan rather than improvise, and shes more than happy to follow instructions. That said, they have some big differences. You, a special traveler, together with your companions who inherited the will of the Trailblaze, will travel across the galaxy on the Astral Express.Present Clara and Past Clara are both drawn to caring for traumatized or lost children (again, “The Snowmen,” as well as “ The Bells of Saint John” and “ The Rings of Akhaten”).

The Claras have some intriguing similarities: Past Clara and Future Clara both like making soufflés (see “ Asylum of the Daleks” and “ The Snowmen”).